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Upper Blepharoplasty in Los Angeles

Your Eyes Deserve to Sparkle

Your eyes are arguably your most defining facial feature. Even a subtle change can make a big difference in your overall appearance—for better or worse. If you are considering Upper Blepharoplasty in Los Angeles, you should leave it to a highly experienced plastic surgeon. In the hands of an exceptional plastic surgeon, upper eyelid surgery can dramatically revitalize tired, hooded eyes, instilling you with a wellspring of newfound beauty and confidence.

Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty at West Empire Aesthetics

Double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Murtaza (Mort) Rizvi routinely performs Upper Blepharoplasty and ptosis repair at our Los Angeles practice, focusing on natural-looking results that dial up your confidence. His approach aims to elevate your natural beauty through precisely tailored techniques, keeping your overall appearance and aesthetic preferences in mind.

Upper Blepharoplasty Los Angeles

What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, sometimes called eyelid surgery or an eye lift, is any cosmetic procedure that lifts, tightens, or re-shapes the soft tissues in the peri-orbital area to give the eyes a more aesthetically pleasing, rested appearance.

What is Upper Blepharoplasty?

Our Los Angeles Upper Blepharoplasty procedure removes excessive skin and fat between the upper lash line and brows. It is often done to correct naturally hooded eyes or heaviness due to aging. When excessive tissue accumulates in this region, the eyes may appear smaller, causing the patient to look angry, tired, stressed, or older than they would like.

Upper Blepharoplasty Los Angeles

Benefits of Upper Lid Blepharoplasty

After Upper Blepharoplasty Los Angeles patients say they appear more alert, youthful, and refreshed and feel more satisfied with their appearance. Upper eyelid surgery helps open up the eyes so they sparkle, which makes everything from socializing to having your photo taken a more enjoyable experience. Addressing hooded eyes can also make it easier to apply eye makeup. Finally, upper lid surgery may improve vision impairment caused by drooping lids.

Am I a candidate for Upper Blepharoplasty?

Anyone with ptotic upper eyelids or hooded eyes may be considered for Upper Blepharoplasty or ptosis repair so long as they are reasonably healthy, do not smoke, and are not currently nursing or pregnant. Your West Empire plastic surgeon will review your medical history, concerns, and cosmetic goals in detail to ensure you are a good fit for the procedure.

Consultation and Preparation

Surgical and Non-Surgical Options Available

During your consultation at our gorgeous, relaxed office in LA's bustling Westside, Dr. Rizvi will take ample time to learn about your cosmetic concerns and discuss the surgical and non-surgical options available to you. After creating your bespoke treatment plan, he will explain what you can expect before, during, and after your procedure. Rest assured, your appointment will have plenty of time built-in to answer any questions you have. If upper blepharoplasty is the next step, preparing is as simple as avoiding herbal supplements and medications that increase bleeding. Lab work may be necessary depending on your age and medical conditions. Smokers will need to quit several weeks in advance and remain smoke-free as they heal.

Combining Upper Blepharoplasty With Other Aesthetic Procedures

Dr. Rizvi's expertise is not only limited to blepharoplasty; he is also well-versed in upper eyelid ptosis repair for patients with sagging lids (blepharoptosis) due to aging, past eye surgery, and problems with the levator muscle or its corresponding nerve. Ptosis repair and blepharoplasty are often performed alongside one another. Our practice also offers services to complement the results of blepharoplasty procedures, including laser treatments to minimize scarring after surgery.

Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Procedure

Upper eyelid surgery at West Empire Plastic Surgery usually only requires twilight sedation or local anesthetic. General anesthesia is only necessary if ptosis repair surgery or lower blepharoplasty accompanies the procedure. During the operation, which lasts 30 minutes to an hour, Dr. Rizvi will remove the excessive skin and fat deposits above the upper lash line. His technique involves tiny, discreet incisions hidden within the eyelid crease. Once healed, the scars are virtually invisible in most cases.

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

Although it is an outpatient procedure, your vision may be blurred temporarily. Someone will likely need to drive you home. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort post-procedurally can vary from person to person but are generally rated mild to moderate. Dr. Rizvi may prescribe ophthalmic drops to alleviate dry eye. Sleeping with your head elevated for several weeks will help the swelling and bruising resolve more quickly. You should look and feel well enough to resume most daily activities within seven to ten days, although it is best to book the procedure at least a few months ahead of special occasions.

Please avoid alcohol, nicotine, blood thinners, and vigorous exercise until cleared by your surgeon. Most patients return to work within a week or two and begin to see their surgical results emerge over the next one to three months, with final results visible in six months. As you heal, Dr. Rizvi and his staff will follow up regularly to ensure you recover comfortably and successfully.

Why choose Dr. Rizvi?

As one of top Los Angeles blepharoplasty surgeons, dual board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mort Rizvi has invested years into additional fellowship training to perform eyelid surgery as safely as possible and ensure an exquisite result. He takes a holistic approach and deeply cares for each patient he sees.

Schedule Your Los Angeles, CA, Upper Blepharoplasty Consultation at West Empire Aesthetics Today

When your eyes reflect the youthful energy you feel on the inside, your inner beauty will shine brilliantly for the world to see. Call (424) 273-9732 or submit the online form to arrange your private consultation with our premier Los Angeles plastic surgeons today.

Upper Blepharoplasty Los Angeles

Upper BlepharoplastyFrequently Asked Questions

The procedure itself is painless. Discomfort afterward is generally mild to moderate and well-controlled with pain relievers. Your surgeon will either prescribe medication or let you know what OTC pain medication you can take after blepharoplasty.

Your surgeon may perform upper eyelid surgery in the office while you are under local anesthesia or conscious sedation. Combined upper and lower blepharoplasty may require general anesthesia for optimal comfort.

It is crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon for blepharoplasty. Their additional training lessens risks such as nerve damage, blindness, infection, chemosis, asymmetry, chronic dry eye, difficulty closing the eyes, and noticeable scarring.

The soft tissues around your eyes will continue to age, but your upper blepharoplasty results should last many years with proper skincare, a healthy lifestyle, and daily sun protection.

A complete recovery takes approximately three months. Social downtime may be as short as one to two weeks, depending on the extent of your surgical procedure.

The cost of Upper Blepharoplasty in Los Angeles varies since it is a customizable procedure. A complex blepharoplasty, combined upper and lower lid surgery, and revision surgery will cost more than simplistic procedures like excess eyelid skin removal. Your surgeon's experience and the type of anesthetic can also affect pricing. Book your consultation at West Empire Plastic Surgery today for the most accurate price quote.

Schedule your Los Angeles plastic surgery and med spa consultation with West Empire Aesthetics.

Your best results and experience are waiting for you at West Empire Aesthetics. Begin your journey to exquisite results by scheduling a consultation with one of our highly experienced aesthetics specialists today.

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