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Liposuction in Brentwood & Los Angeles

Los Angeles Liposuction at West Empire Aesthetics

Remove and Tighten

Liposuction is a type of fat removal that uses a suction technique to remove fat from various areas of your body. The most common areas treated by this procedure are the abdomen, love handles, thighs, neck, hips, or arms. This safe and effective way to remove fat can be used in conjunction with Renuvion, a non-surgical procedure to tighten and refresh the skin. This combination of procedures is one of the top procedures performed at West Empire Aesthetics. Contact us today for a consultation.

Brentwood Liposuction model wearing blue

What is Liposuction?

Shapes and Contours

During our Brentwood Liposuction procedure, the doctor uses a cannula attached to a suction device to remove fat from specific areas of the body. Liposuction shapes and contours these areas of the body and is sometimes called body sculpting. Liposuction is considered a weight loss alternative; however, for best results, you should have a stable body weight for liposuction to be ultimately successful. Liposuction with Renuvion adds a tightening aspect to traditional liposuction.

We also offer awake liposuction for those patients who are afraid of or are reluctant to have general anesthesia. In awake liposuction, the area of the body to be treated is anesthetized using a local anesthetic, and you are awake during the procedure.

What is Awake Liposuction?

Safe and Effective Body Slimming

Awake liposuction, also known as local anesthesia liposuction, offers a safe and effective alternative to traditional liposuction. Using only local anesthesia, the patient remains awake throughout the procedure, reducing risks and side effects associated with general anesthesia. The specialized tumescent solution used numbs the targeted area and minimizes bleeding. This minimally invasive approach ensures quicker recovery and delivers highly effective results in body contouring.

What are the benefits of Liposuction?

Brentwood Liposuction model wearing white

Self Confidence

With Liposuction Los Angeles & Brentwood patients can eliminate unwanted fat in problem areas of the body. Unlike horror stories of the past, liposuction today is a very safe and effective way to remove fat from your body. When these fat cells are removed, they are removed permanently and can boost your self-esteem. The reshaping of your body will help determine how others see you and can improve the look and fit of your clothing.

Your Liposuction Consultation

Do it for You

When you arrive at our office for your consultation, we will discuss the areas of your body you feel could benefit from Liposuction in Brentwood & Los Angeles. Most healthy people without diseases which cause surgical complications are good candidates for liposuction. In addition, patients who have a Body Mass Index or BMI of under 30 are the best candidates for liposuction. Also, patients with a stable body weight and who are not planning on gaining or losing a large amount of weight usually have better results from liposuction.

Your Liposuction Procedure

Controlled Motion

The first step in your liposuction surgery is to administer either general or local anesthesia in the case of awake liposuction. After the anesthesia is infused into your body, incisions are made to insert a small thin tube, or cannula, into the fat to break it up in a controlled motion. The broken-up fat is then vacuumed through a tube and discarded as medical waste. The procedure can take one to three hours, depending on how many areas of the body you are having treated.

Liposuction Results

Be Patient

After the Liposuction surgery, you can expect some swelling and localized pain. There may also be some bruising in the affected area. Swelling and bruising will go away within a few weeks, and you will be able to see full results in a few months, depending on how much fat is removed. Be patient—the results will be excellent. The treated areas will be leaner and more contoured. Fat will never regenerate in the treated areas, although it may appear in others.

Liposuction Recovery and Aftercare

Walk It Off

Liposuction is a major surgery, so recovery and aftercare should be taken seriously. After surgery, your body must rest for at least one to two weeks. Settle into a sofa or bed to rest, and only exercise once the doctor clears you for more strenuous exercise. Walking a little bit each day, however, will help you avoid blood clots and keep blood moving in the treated area, which aids in healing. It is essential to eat a healthy diet to fuel your fast recovery, and limiting the amount of salt you intake will reduce swelling.

Brentwood Liposuction model with blonde hair

LiposuctionFrequently Asked Questions

The following are common areas treated by Liposuction:

  • Abdomen
  • Chin and neck area
  • Breasts
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Love handles
  • Arms
  • Back

The fat cells that are removed during liposuction will never come back; however, it is important to keep a stable, healthy weight so that fat does not migrate to other areas of the body.

Schedule your Los Angeles plastic surgery and med spa consultation with West Empire Aesthetics.

Your best results and experience are waiting for you at West Empire Aesthetics. Begin your journey to exquisite results by scheduling a consultation with one of our highly experienced aesthetics specialists today.

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